In this episode, Martin Butler (M1MRB) is joined by Chris Howard (M0TCH), Frank Howell (K4FMH), Bill Barnes (WC3B) and Leslie Butterfield (G0CIB) to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin (M6BOY) rounds up the news in brief and in the episode's feature Handy Talkies, New or Secondhand.
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News stories include: -
- ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program
- 40 MHz - Belgium Regulator Considering New Band
- German Radio Hams Celebrate Morse Code Day
- Female Students to visit DARC Amateur Radio Center
- Radio Hams to Commemorate Amelia Earhart's Transatlantic Flight
- New Zealand 60m Sub License Continued by Regulator
- Mobile App Available to Navigate 2022 Dayton Hamvention
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